Welcome to RockEng 22 in '22!
The Canadian Rock Mechanics Association (CARMA) invites you to the RockEng22 Symposium, which is the 22nd Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium. RockEng22 will be held at the Isabel Bader Centre at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It was originally scheduled in 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Symposium is rescheduled for an in-person event on August 8-10, 2022.
The name of the Symposium has been changed from RockEng2020 to RockEng22.
The theme of RockEng22 is Canadian Strengths and Future Directions in Rock Mechanics. This will be a two-day, single-stream symposium featuring approximately 37 invited presentations by the best Canadian current stars in rock mechanics from academia and industry. This event aims to be the catalyst for initiating a cycle of future open-submission RockEng conferences, bringing back the quality and energy of past RockEng and other Canadian Rock Mechanics events.
RockEng22 is intended to be a celebration of Canadian excellence in rock mechanics and a renewal of CARMA's stewardship and promotion of national meetings on rock mechanics. This event will bring together invited speakers highlighting the top current researchers and practitioners from the Canadian rock mechanics community to give overview presentations on past, ongoing, and future work, and will also accept abstract submissions for poster presentations. The Symposium will feature a site visit to the Brockville Tunnel, which is Canada's oldest rail tunnel. This event will be the 47th anniversary since the last CARMA symposium was held in Kingston.
Key Dates
May 5, 2022: Registration opens
June 8, 2022: Final abstract deadline
June 11, 2022: Notification of abstract acceptance
June 15, 2022: Last day for early bird registration
July 8, 2022: Last day for registration
August 8-10, 2022: Symposium!
Organizing Committee
Dr. Jennifer Day
Symposium Chair
CGS Rock Mechanics Division Chair
Assistant Professor
Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering
Queen's University
Dr. Doug Milne
CARMA Past-Chair
College of Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Mark Diederichs
Technical Chair
Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering
Queen's University
Dr. Mohsen Nicksiar
CGS Rock Mechanics Division
Geotechnical Operations Manager
Dr. Giovanni Grasselli
Civil Engineering
University of Toronto
Dr. Kathy Kalenchuk
President & Principal
Geomechanics Consultant
RockEng Inc.
Dr. Davide Elmo
CGS Rock Mechanics Division
Executive Committee Member
Associate Professor
Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering
University of British Columbia
Brad Simser
Senior Ground Control Engineer
Glencore - Sudbury
Dr. Navid Bahrani
Assistant Professor
Civil & Resource Engineering
Dalhousie University